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Selasa, 21 Juni 2011


oh suck, damn, hell, everything bad words.....................................................................................................................................................
hates my self,
i can't do anything...............................
it's better for me to die........................................................................
i can't made up anything............................................................
i'm not useful...............................................................................
i want to stop crying............. please stop cryring.............................
no talent on me........................ oh GOD, for what do i live in this world if i can't made up anything????????????? for what????????????? answer me please.............................................
i have been at sixes and sevens...................................................................................................
everyday likes nightmare.................................. gets fun just a minute.........................................
i want, all of my life is fun...................................................................................................................
i hate school, i hate karate, i hate english, i hate everything..............................................................................
i want to sream over, over and over.............................................................................................................................................................................................
until my pressure losts..............................
until i satisfy.............................................
until done.......................................
until i get my freedom...................................
until i don't want to do it again.......................................
oh boy, oh man,.................................................
stupid stupid foolish foolish jerk jerk jerk turkey turkey............................ is you.........................
do you know that??? is you, those bad words is you.......................................................
i want to leave this live, and i'll create a new live..........................................
live happily ever after................. with my family....................... in the best townin the world........................................
i hope so, if GOD hears it, I hope, he will realize it.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
i don't know, where should i share with? except you, my blog.................................................

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

my self

ilangin rasa takut, ilangan rasa ga pede, ilangin tingkh laku bodoh yang bikin malu2in, ilangin semua hal-hal negatif dalam diri gue......................
gue gamau jadi orang polos dan bodoh lagi, itu membuat gue jadi malu2in, ilangin rasa ga pede gue, karena itu mebuat gue semakin dijatuhkan, ilangin rasa takut gue, supaya gue lebih berani menghadapi hidup ini.
itu yang harus gue tanamin dalam diri gue, jgn minder, karena lu sebenernya juga bisa ngelakuin apa yang mereka lakuin kalo lu punya kemauan....!!!!
berpikir cermat
berpikir cerdik
jgn mau dibodohin orang
berpikir cepat
berpikir sebelum bertindak,
pikirkan semuanya, jgn salah ambil tindakan
jadi orang harus pemberani dan PD
rousing, rousing, rousing!!!!!
please trust ur self,
you can make it,
you can do it,
you can subject it,
you must think that you can,
yes, i can,
yes, yes, yes......
think fast, think smart! my motto!
leave ur negative thing, throw it, destroy it, kick ass it!!!
jus positive think!!! remember it!!!
don't say bad words, don't do something foolish, don't think stupid think....................................
leave it leave it leave it!!
please GOD help me, please YA ALLAH amin